Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Visit from MOST of the Barbee Family

BR: Aiyana Mary, Brittany, Chandra, Lady (SO in trouble for being on the couch!)
FR: Hannah and Ethan.
(We missed you Tom!)


Aiyana - Teacher Day
Brittany - Pajama Day (Won the classroom award for her costume.)

Aiyana - Formal Day
Brittany - Army Day
Aiyana - Twin Day (her Twin wasn't at school yet when we took the photo)
Brittany - Sunglasses Day

Aiyana - Senior Citizen Day
Brittany - Sports Day (Won the classroom award for her costume.)

PURPLE AND GOLD DAY (Pictured: Aiyana, Brittany and Billie)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Grandma JoAnn!!!

For Grandma JoAnn's birthday, we had dinner at GOLDEN PALACE. Our cousin, Annie and her son, Matt were there. Annie's friend, Addy was there, too. We had a great time with Grandma, Grandpa, Papa and the rest of our family.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Operation Cookie Drop

Troop #289 sold the most cookies for TROOPS stationed in IRAQ!! We dropped off 460 boxes of cookies! AND Mady and the Miess' helped us sign EVERY box! :) It was great. GOOD JOB GIRLS!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Rollerskating Party (Erin and Olivia's Birthday)

What a GREAT idea; a Birthday party at the skating rink. We had the WHOLE THING to ourselves! Happy 13th birthday Olivia and Erin!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Mady Spends the Night!

Mady and her Daddy picked Brittany up from school on Friday and went to Mady's house to play. Friday afternoon Mady joined Chandra, Aiyana and Brittany for YOGA and then came to our house to spend the night. We had a GREAT time!